Hello there!
My name is Chris Coltburn. I am a character artist, tabletop game designer and avid illustrator.
My great passion is telling stories through art in many forms. Whether it is through traditional visual means like comics and storybooks, or something more subtle like single characters whose stories are visible through their demeanour, attire and presentation.
Below you will find a few examples of my work, however if there is anything you would like to see that fits a more specific theme then please get in touch, chances are after nearly a decade of full time art creation I have something that will suit.
Easily my bread and butter for the last 8 years. Character art for mascots, logos and merchandise.

I have even made three character creators over the years that required considered composition and large amounts of asset creation. My latest being the Tactical Teddies Squadron Bears where members of my Patreon have the opportunity to create their own teds.

Alongside character creators I have had a fantastic time creating a narrative adventure game on my other website and creating all the visuals required for a colourful pen, paper and dice RPG!

You can see all these in situ on the Tactical Teddies website right here!
Role playing games, Comics and Storybooks. I have enjoyed creating a range of backgrounds to elevate a story.

Over the years I have worked on a broad range of projects that have ranged from in depth print projects for business cards to billboards, designed website banners, online ads, blog post infographics and more.
Liaising with print houses here in the UK as well as merchandise factories in China and India, creating visual aids to secure a method of communication that supersedes language barriers to achieve great results.
I have had the great pleasure of working with a range of clients from individuals and sole traders to companies of all shapes and sizes around the world.
It has been an adventure so far and I look forward to where the road takes me next.